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My Writing Process – Blog Tour
I'm taking a brief break from Monday Fortune Cookies and am thrilled to be participating in the
My Writing Process Blog Tour. Thank you, Tracey Livesay, for inviting me to play along. You can visit this amazing debut author at
http://traceylivesay.com/ and her new
novel is The Tycoon's Socialite Bride.
What am I working on?
Currently, I'm working on a couple of
projects. One of them is the second book in my Marant Clan trilogy, a romance involving Peter Marant, the
eldest son of the Marant shapeshifter clan. The other project involves final
revisions for Aces Down, another
shapeshifter romance set in the same world as Collector's Item, but outside the Marant clan.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I'd like to think that while I adhere
to most of what is expected for the Paranormal Genre, I give it all my own
spin. For instance, I gave the animal sides of my shapeshifters their own
personalities, complete with names. I've seen other authors including the
animal side viewpoint upon occasion, but I wanted to go a step further. The
animal personalities serve the purpose of the side-kick or advisor for my
shapeshifters, sometimes helping my shapeshifters to pick up on things the
human side might miss or stop over-complicating things. The back and forth
between human and animal can often be amusing, give me the freedom to make observations
that might be censored out of our human mental dialogue (or not).
Why do I write what I do?
I write paranormal and fantasy
because that's what I love to read. I've written since I was a child, always
exploring the "what ifs" and testing to see if I can add my own spin
to the genres' tropes. All while trying to weave a story that I would enjoy
reading myself.
How does your writing process work?
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I'm basically a pantser, meaning I write by the seat of my pants. Generally, my stories evolve from a character who steps onto the stage of my imagination demanding the spotlight. Together, we explore their world and generally get into mischief of one kind or another. Then, as a member of two wonderful critique groups, I am required to regularly inflict pages of my current projects upon them for feedback. This keeps me honest, believe me. I have to write so that I don't look like a slacker. Writers Endeavor and RichWriters have been invaluable to me for learning the craft and art of writing. If you don't have a critique group or critique partner, do yourself a favor and find one or both.
Next week, February 24th, I invite you to visit with three wonderful and diverse writers to read about their Writing Process. As anyone with a grain of experience in writing will tell you, there are as many ways to approach writing as there are writers, so I encourage you to visit with my friends see how they're navigating their paths.
Sofie Couch
Couch writes sweet romance with just enough piss and vinegar to make you
spew your coffee and test your bladder control. With the help of 1,000 Typing
Monkeys, (which also just happens to be the name of her blog), she cranks out
romantic comedies and other literary mischief. You can find her at www.sofiecouch.blogspot.com

Alleyne Dickens
Alleyne Dickens was destined to be a writer the
moment her parents named her. It's just taken her a while to get there. Pre-published,
Alleyne writes historical romance, historical mystery and historical
fantasy (aka steampunk). Discover her at http://alleynedickens.wordpress.com/
Leah St. James
Leah St. James writes stories of mystery and romance, good
and evil, and the enduring power of love. To learn more about Leah and her
books, visit her at http://leahstjames.com/blog/
Until next week, keep reading, writing, and smiling.